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Meet Roop

Roopkumar is the founder of Excel Wizardd, your ultimate destination for practical Excel tips and tricks. After completing his education in Finance, Roopkumar embarked on his professional journey as an Auditor, just as the COVID pandemic unfolded. Navigating through the challenges of being new to the industry, adapting to remote work, and grappling with Excel complexities, Roopkumar realized the need for accessible Excel support.

Excel Wizardd was born out of Roopkumar's desire to assist others in overcoming Excel overwhelm and becoming the go-to resource for Excel assistance. With a dedication to simplifying Excel tasks, Roopkumar has garnered recognition. Excel Wizardd has now grown into a community where people can collaborate.

Join Roopkumar across all social media platforms to gain valuable insights and learn actionable skills that will enhance your efficiency, confidence, and comfort in Excel.

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 I specialize in providing Excel training for students in advanced Excel. Whether you prefer to learn online or offline, I am able to provide customized training to suit your needs. As a seasoned professional in this field, I guarantee that you will leave my training sessions with advanced skills and a greater understanding of Excel.



Excel can be a highly valuable tool for any business analyst. At Excel Wizardd, we teach students how to write VBA codes to boost their Excel knowledge. Our approach is easy and straightforward, removing the overwhelming feeling students can experience when dealing with complex data sets. Our courses are designed for individuals who want to enhance their Excel skills and build their confidence in the use of VBA. We provide a comprehensive, hands-on experience, guiding students from start to finish on how to write effective VBA codes.



At Excel Wizardd, our focus is on empowering our students with the necessary skills to create and maintain MS Access databases and develop their own software. We understand that learning these skills can be intimidating, but we take pride in offering a supportive learning environment to help our students achieve their goals. Our courses are designed to provide hands-on experience, in-depth knowledge, and guidance from our experienced instructors.

My Story

Once upon a time, in the bustling world of corporate data, there existed a diligent worker named Roop. Roop’s task was no ordinary feat—it involved meticulously comparing and matching 3000 rows of numbers across two hefty books for a mysterious entity known as GSTR2A. Imagine it as sorting through a colossal laundry pile, hunting for elusive matching socks!


In the early days, Roop toiled relentlessly. A whole week vanished into the abyss of number-crunching. But fate had other plans. Roop’s boss, with a casual “Oops,” dropped a bombshell: new numbers! The task had to be redone. Roop’s heart sank; it was an avalanche of work.


Yet, within the labyrinth of spreadsheets, Roop’s mind sparked. “Why not enlist the computer’s aid?” Roop pondered. And so, armed with determination, Roop delved into the arcane arts of Excel. Formulas danced, macros hummed, and conditional formatting obeyed. The computer became Roop’s tireless apprentice, sifting through rows, matching digits, and revealing hidden patterns.


As the days passed, Roop’s mastery grew. The once-daunting task now unfolded effortlessly. Roop’s colleagues marveled at the newfound efficiency. “Roop,” they whispered, “the Excel Whisperer.” Thirty more souls sought Roop’s aid—each with their tangled data webs. Roop untangled them all, transforming chaos into clarity.

And so, Roop’s legend spread. The office buzzed with awe. Roop’s secret? Not magic, but logic. Rows and columns bowed to Roop’s commands. The boss beamed, clients applauded, and Roop reveled in the sweet symphony of formulas.


In the end, Roop realized that numbers were more than mere digits—they held stories, puzzles, and solutions. Excel, once a tool, became a trusted companion. Roop’s journey from manual laborer to Excel wizard was complete. Less work, more play—a harmonious balance achieved.

And that, my friends, is how Roop’s spreadsheet saga unfolded—a tale of perseverance, innovation, and the magic of cells and functions.

My Excel Mantra

" Excel Tables are the backbone of effective data analysis. By using named ranges and meaningful formulas, helps you to make informed decisions based on your data. "

My Works


GSTR2A Reconciliation


Work Management System in MS Access


Payroll Adminstration Automation Template with Power Query

Live Training Sessions

There may be no better way to communicate what we do than through videos. As you browse our site, take a few moments to let your eyes linger here, and see if you can get a feel for our signature touch.


Manaswini Thalluru

I am very Happy with the Lecturer. He has a good skills in Advance excel. I learnt many more His teaching skills and problem solving skills are very excellent.

Noel Pratik hasda

The time I had spent with sir was not a waste . He was very patient in teaching whenever I had doubts he used to clear my doubts without any argument. His approach towards student was very friendly


Displays the capability to independently solve problems and applies creativity in implementing the same.

Prajwal Pai

I attended a 15 day compulsory (For CA curriculum) Advanced ITT programme with Roopkumar and he knew more Excel functions and formulas than the educators!

Traning Methodology

Exceptional Quality

Interactive Live Sessions with Practice Templates

Conceptual learning and practice 

Multilingual (Interacts : English, Tamil, Hindi, Kannada)

Tech Savvy with Teams recorded classes in conjuntion with Carnac

Expert Manuals, Professional resources, Workshops for practice and reference

Professional Experience of 6+ years


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

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